JQuery lightSlider Settings

Name Expected Default Description
item number 3 number of slides to show at a time
autoWidth boolean false Custom width for each slide
slideMove number 1 Number of slides to be moved at a time
slideMargin number 10 Spacing between each slide
addClass string '' Add custom class for slider, can be used to set different style for different sliders
mode string 'slide' Type of transition 'slide' and 'fade'
useCSS boolean true If true LightSlider will use CSS transitions. if falls jquery animation will be used.
cssEasing string 'ease' Type of easing to be used for css animations
easing string 'linear' Type of easing to be used for jquery animations
speed number 400 Transition duration (in ms). // ex = speed:400;
auto boolean false If true, the Slider will automatically start to play.
pauseOnHover boolean false Pause autoplay on hover.
loop bolean false If false, will disable the ability to loop back to the beginning of the slide when on the last element.
slideEndAnimation bolean true Enable slideEnd animation
pause number 2000 The time (in ms) between each auto transition
keyPress boolean false Enable keyboard navigation
controls boolean true If false, prev/next buttons will not be displayed.
prevHtml string '' custom html for prev control
nextHtml string '' custom html for next control
rtl boolean false Change direction to right-to-left
adaptiveHeight boolean false Dynamically adjust slider height based on each slide's height
vertical boolean false change slide's direction from horizontal to Vertical
verticalHeight number 500 set height of slider if vertical mode is active and item more than 1
vThumbWidth number 100 width of gallery thumbnail while vertical mode active
thumbItem number 10 number of gallery thumbnail to show at a time
pager boolean true Enable pager option
gallery boolean true Enable thumbnails gallery
galleryMargin number 5 Spacing between gallery and slide
thumbMargin number 3 Spacing between each thumbnails
currentPagerPosition string 'middle' position of thumbnails . 'left', 'middle', 'right'
enableTouch boolean true Enables touch support
enableDrag boolean true Enables desktop mouse drag support
freeMove boolean true Enable free move(no limit) while swipe or drag
responsive object null Separate settings per breakpoint.

Callbacks callback parameter el = current plugin object;

Name parameter Description
onBeforeStart el Executes before slider start loading
onSliderLoad el Executes immediately after the slider is fully loaded.
onBeforeSlide el Executes immediately before each slide transition.
onAfterSlide el Executes immediately after each slide transition.
onBeforeNextSlide el Executes immediately before each "Next" slide transition.
onBeforePrevSlide el Executes immediately before each "Prev" slide transition.

Public Functions

Name Description
goToSlide() Go to nth slide ex: slider.goToSlide(3)
goToPrevSlide() Go to previous slide
goToNextSlide() Go to next slide
refresh Refresh slider
play() play Slide
pause() pause Slide

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